Facts & Figures
When was North West River Founded?
Inuit and Innu occupied this land for 6000 years. The first Europeans came in 1743.
Where is North West River Located?
North West River is located in Central Labrador, 33 km from Happy Valley-Goose Bay, in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador on Canada's east coast.
How Big is North West River?
North West River is approximately 5 square kms., with a population of 553 according to the 2011 census.
What is North West River's Climate Like?
Winters in North West River last from late November to mid-April, with temperatures averaging -10°C to -15°C and dropping to as low as -30°C. Summer lasts from June to early September, with temperatures ranging from 10°C to 20°C and reaching as high as 34°C. January is the coldest month averaging -16°C, while July is the warmest month averaging 17° C. Snowfall averages 400 cm a year most of which falls between December and March. Rainfall averages 480 mm per year, July being the wettest month.

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