Posted 18 June 2024, 12:18 pm NDT
Our Community Safety Officer, Lowell Barkman, has been hired for night time community security. His role is to patrol the roads, businesses, and community infrastructure. He will not investigate incidents or engage with anyone who may be causing an issue, nor will he go on anyone's personal property. If he encounters any potential issues when doing patrol, he will record it to gather info and evidence, and when there is a need to respond, the RCMP will be called to the location.
As in the past, if you have concerns on your personal property call the RCMP at 709 497-8700 or 911.
Posted 07 June 2024, 11:06 am NDT
A reminder to residents that fire season is upon us. No open fires are permitted as of May 16. Please be vigilant so we can all enjoy a safe summer.
Posted 04 June 2024, 11:05 am NDT
A reminder, effective tomorrow, June 5, household garbage pickup for ALL RESIDENTS will be on Wednesday. Please have your garbage by the roadside at 8:30.
Posted 15 May 2024, 11:32 am NDT
Public Works Assistant
The Town of North West River is accepting applications for the
position of Public Works Assistant.
The full-time position is responsible for assisting the Public Works supervisor in the operations and maintenance of the Town's properties and infrastructure, including:
-The Municipal water and wastewater system, including repairs to pumps, manholes, catch basins/drains and sewer lines.
-Town Properties, including landscaping and ground maintenance work.
Posted 07 May 2024, 4:19 pm NDT
All Materials must be put out
at the side of the road by 8:00 am daily
Any material at roadside
will be considered garbage
and be picked up on these days.

Tuesday May 21 all areas
- Furniture & Wood, maximum 4 ft sections, no land clearing or brush
Wednesday Morning, May 22, Downtown
- Regular Household Garbage Collection
Wednesday afternoon All areas
-Major Appliances, Metals, Pipe, Wire – maximum 4-foot lengths.

Thursday Morning, May 23, Uptown
- Regular Household Garbage Collection
Thursday afternoon and Friday May 24, All areas
-Major Appliances, Metals, Pipe, Wire – maximum 4-foot lengths.
Items not accepted include:
tires and propane tanks,
old car & skidoo parts and car bodies, hazardous materials.

The Brush Pit is open for disposal of branches, leaves, and unpainted, nail-free wood materials ONLY. Please dump leaves out of garbage bags and take the bag home.
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