Traffic Regulations
Published By Authority

Under Section 189 and 190 of the Highway Traffic Act and Pursuant to the authority conferred by Section 181 of the Municipalities Act, Chapter M-23, N.F.L.D. Statutes 1990, the Town Council of the Town of North West River has made the following regulations.

1. Interpretations: In these regulations unless the context otherwise requires:
a) "Council" means the Town Council of the Town of North West River constituted under the provisions of the Municipalities Act.
b) "Town" means the Town of North West River as defined by Order-in-Council.
c) "Park" means to allow a motor vehicle to remain on a road in a stationary position whether or not the operator remains in control. A vehicle shall not be deemed to be parked if it is stopped for the immediate taking up or discharging of passengers or for such time as may be actually necessary for the loading or unloading of goods or for repairing such vehicle when repairs thereto on a road are necessary.
d) "Road" shall include any way to which the public has access including bridges over which a road passes and every place to which the public has access as a parking place for motor vehicles and all street-roads etc. under the jurisdiction of the Town.

2. No person shall park a motor vehicle on any road within town, at any time, in such a way as to interfere with, hinder or obstruct the normal flow of traffic, or within 5 ft. of any driveway and/or access driveway.

3. No person shall be permitted to drive or park a vehicle on the beach area, at any time, without written permission from council, unless access to residential property requires the driver to travel over a portion of the beach area.

4. No person shall park a vehicle on the side of any road within town during special events. Parking during special events shall be on private property or in designated parking areas approved by council.

5. During the period from the 1st day of November in each year to the 30th day of April in any succeeding year, both days inclusive, no person shall park an unattended vehicle upon any road within town between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 8:00 a.m.

6. At any time during a snow storm and for twelve (12) hours thereafter, no person shall park an unattended vehicle on any road within town.

7. All unattended vehicles parked on any road within town in contravention of these regulations, may be removed and impounded by council and the cost of such removal and impounding may be recovered from the owner as a civil debt.

8. Any person who violates any of the provisions of these regulations shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a penalty in accordance with S. 420 of the Municipalities Act, Chapter M-23.

9. These regulations shall take effect on the 3rd day of December 1996 and may be cited as the Town of North West River Traffic Regulations, 1996.

10. All previous Traffic Regulations are hereby repealed.

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