Water & Sewer Regulations

Pursuant to the authority conferred by Section 414 of the Municipalities Act Chapter M-24,NFLD. Statutes 1999, the Town Council of North West River has made the following regulations

1. These regulations may be cited as '"The Town or North West River Control & Management of Water & Sewer Systems Regulations, 2023."

2 Interpretation of these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires
(a.) "Act" means the Municipalities Act, Chapter M-23;
(b) "Council" means the Town Council of the Town of North West River;
(c.) "Property Owner" means any person, firm or corporation whose property is or will be connected to the system;
(d.) "Municipality" means the Town of North West River;
(e.) "Service" means the water supply and/or sewerage disposal system supplied to a property owner;
(f) "System" means the water supply and/or sewerage disposal system of the Town of North West River.

3. (a.) Any building or dwelling intended to be occupied for residential or commercial purposes which ordinarily require water and sewer services and is within sixty (60) meters of the system, shall have such building, or part thereof, connected to the system.
(b.) Buildings more than sixty (60) meters from the mainline(s) will he considered for connection to the system, by council.

4. (a.) All requests for water and sewer installation are to be made, in writing, by the property owner to council, no later than October 10th of the current year.
(b.) All water & sewer must be installed no later than October 20th unless approved by council.
(c.) If water and sewer installations are approved, the individual must confirm, in writing, that he/she will be using the service to avoid unnecessary freeze-ups.
(d) Approval will not be given for water and sewer installation if the line is to be left as a dead end connection during the winter months.

5. (a) Service lines for water supply shall be minimum diameter of 19mm (3/4") copper, or equivalent, that is approved by council for a single family residential unit. A larger size may be approved by council for multiple residential units and commercial buildings
(b.) There shall be only one service line for water and only one service line for sewerage disposal to each building, unless otherwise approved by council.
(c.) One service line may be used to provide water and/or sewer a duplex, adjoining buildings etc., if approval is given by council, in advance.
(d.) All service lines for water and sewer shall be installed at a depth of at least 1.5 m
(5 ft.) unless otherwise approved by council. The sewerage service line may be installed beside the service line for water supply in the same trench.
(c.) Water lines installed at 1.5m (5ft.) or less, shall be insulated. The type and quantity of insulation is to be determined by council. The property owner may also consider heat tracing the lines, but this is not a mandatory requirement of council.
(f) When deemed necessary by council, all new water lines shall have a bleeder line with a valve installed as outlined in the National Plumbing Code. This bleeder line shall be installed in an area not prone to freezing and must be accessible for servicing.

6.(a.) Service lines for sewerage disposal shall have a minimum diameter of 100 mm.
(4in.) PVC or equivalent size and type of pipe approved by council for a single family residential unit. A larger size may he approved by council for multiple residential units and commercial buildings.
(b.) A backflow prevention valve is required on all sewer service lines. Such valve shall be installed in an accessible location and preferably inside the serviced building.
(c.) All bends in the sewer service line shall be of long radius type. If any sharp bends are absolutely necessary, an appropriate clean out flu shall be provided.
(d.) Service lines for sewerage disposal shall be installed at a minimum underground depth of 1.5m (5ft.) unless otherwise approved by council. The sewerage service line may be installed beside the service line for water supply in the same trench.
(e.) The grade for service line for sewerage disposal shall be a minimum of three degrees and shall be, as much as possible, in a continuous straight line without sags or crests.

7. All work carried out must comply with these regulations and/or the current National Plumbing Code.

8 (a.) Any person or contractor installing water and/or sewer services, if other than council forces or its agents, shall have council's approval before beginning work.
(b.) The total cost of installing water and/or sewer service lines from the curb stop to the building shall include, but is not limited to, excavation, materials, labour, fees for inspection and land restoration.
(c) Council will provide the required materials, including the curb stop, from the main water and/or sewer line to curb stop and cover the cost of installation from the main line(s) to the curb stop.
(d) If pavement has to be removed for the installation of water & sewer, the property owner will be financially responsible to pay for the cost of its replacement. The pavement shall be replaced to a standard that is acceptable by council.
(e) Service lines from the curb stop to the building shall be properly installed at the property owner's expense.
(f) Any service lines installed within the Town shall be inspected by council staff or an agent of council, prior to backfilling and for this purpose the property owner is liable for payment of an inspection fee that may be set and varied from time to time.
(g.) The property owner is responsible to hire a contractor or perform the work required with his/her own resources, to connect the water and/or sewer service line(s) from the curb stop to the building.

9. (a) The town owns the service line between the main line and the curb stop, inclusive.
(b. )The property owner owns the service line from the curb stop to the building and shall be responsible for its maintenance and any costs related to its maintenance.

10. No person, except an employee of council, or other authorized representative engaged for that purpose, shall turn the curb stop on, after the final connection is made.

11. Representatives of council shall have the right of access to all real property and enter into the building or structure(s) on real property at all reasonable hours to inspect and repair service lines. Council has the right to suspend services to any property owner who refuses such access.

12.(a,) If trouble of an unknown nature occurs in a service line between the building and the main line, council should be notified as soon as possible. Repairs shall be carried out, as soon as practical, by council or the property owner with council's approval. If it is determined that the problem was caused by the property owner, the owner shall be liable to pay for the repair cost involved.
(b.) In the event of a leak in the water supply service line, the supply of water to the service line may be discontinued to prevent wastage of water and to conduct repairs.
Advance notice of water turn-off, in reference to this section, will be given, except in the event of an emergency.

13. No person shall dispose into a sewage disposal service line any chemicals or other materials which may cause blockage and/or do other damage to the service line. (Examples: grease, sanitary napkins, pampers. explosive material etc,)

14.(a.) The property owner is liable to the thawing of both water and sewer service lines from the building to the main line(s) if the main line(s) is operating properly.
(b.) Any work relating to thawing lines from the curb stop to the main line(s) must be approved by the town, before work commences.
(c ) Only a certified Contractor or Company may apply electrical current directly to service pipes as a method of thawing frozen service lines. The Contractor or Company must sign a Waiver of Liability with the Town before work commences.

15.(a.) No person shall indiscriminately use water. No person shall provide water to a house, apartment, commercial building. etc., whose main water supply is disconnected for non-payment of taxes.
(b.) Any water service provided, other than outlined in these regulations, requires prior approval from council, in writing,

16. No person, unless authorized by council, shall draw water from; open, close, cut, break, obstruct from free access to, or in any way damage or interfere with any hydrant. water main, water supply pipe. stop cock, meter, or any other part of the system. Nothing contained in these regulations shall be deemed to prevent a member of a Fire Department. when engaged in work for such department, from using any hydrant or other part of the service.

17. A property owner who is installing a new water and/or sewer service line or makes a request to have his/her water service either turned-on or turned-off will he charged the following applicable fee(s):

1. Fee to have water either turned off or on $50.00
2. Inspection flee for new water & sewer installation $25.00. All fees must be paid prior to work commencing.

The penalty for non-compliance to this regulation shall be Pursuant to Section 420 of the Act which states:

A person who:
(1) A person who commits an offence under Section 419 or who otherwise contravenes this Act is liable under summary conviction
(a.) for the first offence to a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $500 or to a term of imprisonment of not more than one month or to both the fine and imprisonment;
(b.) for a subsequent offence to a fine of not less than $500 and not more that $1000 or to a term of imprisonment of not more than 3 months or to both a fine and imprisonment.

All previous Water & Sewer Disposal Regulations and Policies for the Town of North West River are hereby repealed.

© 2015 Town of North West River

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