Garbage Regulations
Garbage Regulations PDF



Pursuant to the conferred in sections 397 and 413 of the Municipalities Act, 1999 the following regulations were adopted by the Town of North West River MOTION 2022-07-04-007 on the 4th day of July 2022.

1. Title

This document will be known and cited as the Garbage Regulations.

2. Interpretation

(a) Act - shall mean the Municipalities Act, 1999.

(b) Council - shall mean the Town Council of North West River.

(c) Town - shall mean the Town of North West River

(d) Litter - shall mean any obnoxious substances, waste, or unsanitary matter, refuse, garbage, rubbish, street cleanings, paper wrappings, cardboard boxes, tin cans, leaves, wood, bedding, glass bottles and glass in all its forms and other matter or things which are thrown or deposited as herein prohibited tends, or is likely to cause unsightliness within the Town or creates danger to the health, welfare or public safety and includes vehicles and appliances.

(e) Garbage - shall mean every waste accumulation of animal, fruit or vegetable matter, liquid or otherwise that attends the preparation, use cooking, dealing in or storing of meat, fish, fowl, fruit, and vegetables and including tin cans, bottles, and similar food containers.

(f) Refuse - shall mean all other miscellaneous waste material not specifically defined as garbage.

(g) Owner - includes agent, tenant, or occupant.

(h) Authorized Receptacles - shall mean a large, wheeled plastic receptacle as approved by Council.

(i) Municipal Receptacle - Shall mean any type of receptacle used by the Town of North West River, or any of its organizations, within the town boundaries, to hold garbage.

3. Regulations

i. No resident shall deposit, throw, sweep, or place any litter or refuse upon any street, lane, drain, pond, stream, public place, beach area, the sea or private property outside of buildings or any municipal receptacle within the municipal boundaries.

ii. All litter, garbage or refuse for collection by the Town employees must be placed by the roadside by 8:30am, in sealed standard large garbage bags covered by a "fling it" provided by the Town or in an authorized receptacle.

iii. Receptacles and nets are to be removed from roadside by the end of garbage collection day.

iv. All garbage and refuse shall be disposed of at intervals not exceeding one week by the owner of any property in any of the following manners:

(a) By disposal by the Town through weekly garbage collection.

(b) By disposal by resident at Happy Valley-Goose Bay Landfill.

(c) Notwithstanding subsection iv. (b), Provided that any large items that cannot be removed during regular weekly collection may be retained at rear of property, in a tidy fashion and placed for collection at a period of the year to be specified by Council as "Spring Clean-Up", unless otherwise ordered.

v. No resident shall place any container or receptacle, garbage or refuse intended for removal by the Council the weight of which together with that of the container or receptacle will exceed fifty (50) pounds.

vi. Garbage or refuse left by any builder or contractor, or owner upon any street, lane, drain, public or private property outside of a building or buildings within the Town following the construction, alteration or repair of such building or buildings, shall be removed by the builder, contractor, or owner, within 30 days.

4. Penalties

Any person who is guilty of an offence against these regulations or who acts in contravention of or fails to comply with any provision thereof, or neglects or refuses to do so shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars ($1000.00) and in default of payment to imprisonment for a period not exceeding ninety (90) days or both such fine and imprisonment.

© 2015 Town of North West River

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